Nikki P.'s review of ATI College

ATI College

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East Valley College, Inc.
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Elizabeth Shutters
4.8 star rating 2325 miles
Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 8/20/2012
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Don't go to this school
Going to this school is the worst mistake of my life. I am writing this to hopefully save another person from making this mistake. This school has the worst teachers that don't know proper English nor do they know how to teach. They give you the actual test a week before the "real" test so that you will pass FOR SURE so they can get their money. So this means that they give you the test answers because they don't know how to teach and if they didn't give the answers then no student would pass because they can't teach which leads to no funding so they have to cheat and give answers. Then the machines are what we call "dinosaurs" and most of the time they don't even work. 6 students graduated last week and didn't even know how to scan, one student took 2 hours to scan the arm which should take 15mins, In the lab the teacher tells us to teach each other bcuz she can't even scan and she only worked for 6 months before teaching. SHE SAYS but I doubt that even. So then there is administration: this is the worst part of all because if you have any question you will be directed to a lady named Julie and she will tear you apart. She treats all students with NO respect and I just saw a student leaving her office today crying. Julie has no respect and she lies to students about everything. I'm guessing she works there because she's related to the owner bcuz that's the only way she could possibly still have employment there. So this is just a tiny bit of the nightmares you will encounter at ATI in Sant Ana. So if you want to spend 30,000 and still have NO career then go here but I'm assuming u do want a job so go to the many other schools that are within 10 miles from here that actually do know how to train. I didn't do my research and I can't switch now because classes don't transfer. The medical community also knows about ATI's reputation.
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