Brian G.'s review of FSM Alarms, Inc.

FSM Alarms, Inc.

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 6/12/2009
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Review 6/12/2009
RUN FOR YOUR LIFE. This company is horrible. They do not respect their customers and their only response to resolving a complaint has to do with their contract. I had to call for two weeks to cancel and then the person I spoke with refused and then said; "Well you signed the contract." As if companies do not negate/remove contracts for customer service. Here is my complaint to them. "FSM Alarms has not followed through on what they said they will do. After the system was installed the customer service left. I was called twice by Sandy saying that another contract was needed. It was never told to me why. Twice she set up a time for me to be home and have a representative come to my place so I could sign the contract, and so he/she could give me the signs and decals for the window. Twice, I was home, and no one came by. I was told that “in a few days” someone will call me to set up the numeric code and my code word. When someone called, they did not do either of those things, and no one has called since regarding this. The fire alarm went off, I gave the operator my info and she still sent the fire department even though it was a false alarm. No respect for me as the customer. I was told that FSM, or some other company, would submit the needed permit to the city. This never happened. When I called to cancel the representative, Nicole, gave me my two options, but neglected to ask me why I wanted to cancel. I had to ask her if she wanted to know. Horrible service! Nicole said that she would take my info and give it to Sandy and she will follow up with me. I never received a message from Sandy following up with me. I had to call back again and when I did she was under the impression that what I wanted was to have someone come out so I could sign the additional contract. Horrible!" As you can see. If this company approaches you, you need to RUN with the speed of hurricane winds!
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