GB's review of Orion Security Patrol

Orion Security Patrol

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 8/24/2010
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Review 8/24/2010
I have used this security for my business and I felt compelled to do this after the contract expired. First of all I heard nothing but complaints from my staff regarding these guards. Everything from them being late on a constant basis, not doing their patrols, sleeping, inviting friends over, etc. I don't know what kind of security guards this company hires but some don't even speak the English language very well! I'm not saying that all guards need to be bilingual but come on! At least know English! We need to be able to communicate with them, don't we? What I expect from security. Be on time, be professional, take preventive actions, read/write/speak English, be friendly, etc. Common stuff. Not asking a whole lot here you think? But with a little digging and observation you will find that this company treats their guards like dirt! If you've ever done business with them have you experienced a large turnaround with them like I have? This is why! You can't get the experienced ones because the experienced guards know better than to work with a company like this. Their guards only get about $10 an hour no matter how long they've been with the company or how much experience they have. They don't get benefits or bonuses either! One officer even mentioned that they don't even have direct deposit! Aren't these guards putting themselves in harms way so that we don't have to? Aren't we paying this company thousands of dollars a month and it seems unfair that the ones doing the work are only getting less than half of that since they're doing all the work? No wonder why they have a huge turnaround! Treat your employees like crap and they won't care if they lose their job! They can look online and get another job paying just as much practically the next day! Which explains the turnaround. So the guards that we keep getting are messing up and needing to be replaced. So... why are we paying so much to this company? We need quality guards! But it appears that they don't have any because they can't afford them! Quality costs too much I guess. So if anyone from Orion reads this, I have this suggestion: Pay your guards more! That way they'll be less willing to lose their job and actually do it! On a positive note, they're cheap... but you get what you pay for I guess.
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