Rich P.'s review of Pacific Trading Academy, LLC

Pacific Trading Academy, LLC

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Review Posted 7/7/2009
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Review 7/7/2009
Below is a letter I sent to Pacific Trading Acadamey last fall. My experience with them was so positive that I have recently enrolled in another Mentorship Course in an effort to learn as much as I can from them.

September 9, 2008

Suzan Weyle, Dean
10866 Washington Blvd
Suite 522
Culver City, Ca 90232

Dear Suzan Weyle,

Please accept my apology for not recognizing your organization, the Pacific Trading Academy and Mentor Richard Rosenthal (who I had worked with recently) sooner. It is worth noting that I do not take the time to write such letters often enough about good people. Your mentoring program however was so impressive to work with that I actually grew more anxious every day that went by without putting pen to paper for this thank you letter.

First, I would like to comment on the straightforward approach the PTA exhibited ever since my first discussion with one of your staff on the phone. In a society that has made most of us very skeptical of everything, I am no exception. The PTA however did exactly what was verbally promised and the language followed suit in the enrollment agreement. It was clear and concise with no attempt at “fine print” funny business. “Overwhelming use of the truth” seems to be the PTA way.

My background is probably typical of most folks who have an interest in becoming a serious and consistently profitable trader. I have over the years spent thousands of hours as a student of the markets. My reading efforts have included upwards of a hundred books covering every subject from technicals and fundamentals to bonds, futures, options and psychology. Not to mention subscriptions to newsletters and participation at seminars. Work ethic was not my obstacle. I was suffering from too much information and did not know what was important, what worked or what to make a priority.

In working with Richard Rosenthal it quickly became apparent that he had wisdom and perspective that was the result of a similar journey in his earlier years as a trader. He had learned all the tough lessons that only decades of experience can provide. There is no doubt that Richard knows the ins and outs of trading and he knows it well. His calm and rational disposition makes him a great teacher of the pragmatic thought processes needed to understand the highly emotional and often irrational markets.

Richard has a “toolbox” full of techniques and strategies and knows when to pull the right one out for any given job. I simply can not express the importance of learning the correct time to use what tool. There were also so many of the little details in those strategies and techniques that you just won’t find in the books, newsletters or seminars. In my mind those details are what make the difference between spotty profitability and consistent profits.

Your program combined with the depth of knowledge and abilities of Richard Rosenthal provided much needed clarity and focus.

Thank You
Rich Pietranek
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